Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Eden Marie

Eden Marie was born Monday, November 26th at 11:20pm. She was 6lbs, 13oz and 18.75 inches long. She lived a beautiful 6 hours and 27 minutes with us before she went to be in her Mema's arms in Heaven....we are so incredibly blessed to have such a beautiful daughter, and we are so proud and honored to have been chosen to be Eden's parents. Things aren't easy for us right now, and my arms are aching to hold my sweet girl just one more time, but as I'm able to, I'll write and post our birth story, and some of the amazing things Eden did. Eden was and is perfect, and I wouldn't trade a single second we had with her for the world. She was SUCH a miracle, and you can take everything you ever read in a textbook about anencephaly and toss it aside, because they are wrong. I'll leave you with some pictures and the promise of more updates later. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Tiny, beautiful feet.

She was a chubby little girl! <3

Christmas Photo


  1. Aww, such a sweet chubby little thing.
    I'm so glad you got precious time with your precious girl.

  2. Praying for you, as there's nothing I can say that will take away the pain. So glad you were blessed with that time with her.

  3. I just feel like crying for you. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through right now. You are a very strong woman for being able to post and share about her like this so soon...she is beautiful and I'm so glad you got to spend some time with her before her passing.

  4. My heart aches for you. I am so happy that you got some time with your angel.

  5. Here is another mother's journey ... if you're interested. You are incredibly strong!

  6. What a beautiful baby. Eden was a good weight im so glad you got to spend some precious time with her. Thank you for sharing your Angel.

  7. Love her wee chuncky self... from the tip of her nose to her little bitty toes

    Praying through the tears...

  8. She is absolutely beautiful! So thankful for your time with Eden. Thank you for the update, prayers continuing. God bless you! <3

  9. I so look forward to hearing Eden Marie's birth story and I am so happy to hear you say that "whatever you read in a textbook about anencephaly, you can toss aside". You went forward, you made decisions and went with your heart and your beautiful baby girl was born. Though Eden's time on earth was short, she touched many lives both in person through your families and through our lives via the internet. Sending prayers your way during this difficult time.

  10. Oh mama, I will be praying for you and little Eden. She was a beautiful girl and I'm so glad you got time with her.

  11. What a beautiful daughter and what a beautiful tribute to her. I love her in her Christmas photo dress! My heart goes out to you as you cope with unimaginable loss. You are the bravest of mothers. Abigail x
