Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas, Eden

I can't believe it's Christmas Eve again already. The year has absolutely flown by, and while I'm excited for tomorrow morning when Brooklyn comes down our stairs to open Christmas gifts, and excited to head over to my parents' house to spend time with family, I miss Eden in a special way tonight. It's kind of crazy to think she would have been over a year old for this Christmas, and she would have absolutely loved to play with all the wrapping paper and be surrounded by family. I know she's in Heaven right now, rejoicing for the one Gift that truly matters in this world, but that still doesn't make me wish any less that she were here to celebrate Christmas with her family.

Friday, December 13, 2013

December Update

As the holidays approach, times are busy. This past week has been pretty busy too. I am 17 weeks pregnant now, and should be having my 20 week ultrasound very soon. It will be great to get confirmation that this baby is completely healthy and growing well, and I think I'll be able to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy more knowing that. I do know for certain the baby I'm carrying right now definitely does not have anencephaly. I had a quick ultrasound the other day to get baby's heart rate, check the placenta's location (anterior, and far from my scar!! Good news!), and to just peek at baby's head. I saw a beautifully round head on the ultrasound, and any fears I had about anencephaly are gone.

17 weeks, with a beautiful round head!